Actions and reflections for the reconstruction of social policy in Mexico: A look from the local


Adolfo Rogelio Cogco Calderón
Miriam Rodríguez Vargas
Jorge Alberto Pérez Cruz


This work deals with analysis of social welfare programs such as health, housing, education, employment, social security and public services with dynamic perspectives at local, regional and national levels. The general objective focuses on the experiences of local governments in the implementation of social programs that promote sustained growth, as a result it is disaggregated into specific contents along the fundamental thematic axes of this work: I) Those referring to the social policy and local development, where clear alerts in the management of social programs supports the creation of mechanisms to reduce vulnerability conditions; the promotion of health prevention and persistence to citizens. II) Concerning urban development, the importance of the determinants of industrial concentration for local growth and development is denoted; as well as the external influence for investment management in urban real estate capital and its economic, social, cultural and environmental costs. III) Finally, research on convergence from the local, denotes the importance of self-employment as a generator of new business units from their meanings and continuities; and the premises on ethnography and ethnohistory that place conditions on the binomial teaching-learning in infants.

Consequently, the multidisciplinary synergies of the authors with an awareness and training in areas of quality knowledge provide a unique facet of innovative designs that will motivate governments, organizations and institutions to continue fighting for the improvement of social policies in Mexico.



November 22, 2018

Details about this monograph

ISBN-13 (15)
